The tent!

The tent!
Two men!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Grate Expectations

Set off from Cairns and travelled thru Mareeba and Dimbulah where  we chased down the baker whom we had helped at Cardwell after Cyclone Yasi. Then took alt. Savannah Way on dirt road for 120 odd ks thru Bullock Creek and into Mt Surprise which was back on the Savannah Way. And what a surprise it turned out to be! It seemed like a very good idea at the time for us to take Morrie not once but twice thru the high pressure vehicle washdown facility on the side of the road. Off we went feeling pretty chuffed that we'd managed to restore Morrie to his former glory and arrived in Georgetown for the night. "John, where are the 2 magnetic signs on your side of Morrie?" Oops, I wonder if they came off during Morrie's jacuzzi at Mount Surprise? Call to local police at Mount Surprise had him go down to the facility to check for missing signs but no luck. Next morning, straight into council chambers in Georgetown for further help. We needed someone to have a look under the grid/grate at the washdown. Enter Ruth. Job done. I have found your signs and have them here for collection. Return trip of 180ks to Mount Surprise and photo of Ruth after presentation of bottle of red for her trouble. You're a champion Ruth! Then on to Croydon, thru Normanton and now in Karumba at bottom of the Gulf and Oz's prawn capital. Before handing over to John, some free verse: Dead of night, far distant barking of dog, answered in the stillness by his mate. Gusts of early morning wind puff the tent sides like the cheeks of a chubby smiling kid whose eyes are bigger than his stomach.Warm. Still, yet mind racing........"To sleep, perchance to dream" Silence. Peace. Zzzzzzzz

Here's John now for the serious bit.

As we rumbled into the Georgetown caravan park we were greeted by Les.

Now, let me tell you a little about Les - normal looking cobber but the first thing that struck you was that he bought the shirt after he already had the shorts; the two different coloured thongs kind of went with paisley........" 'Ow yer goin? "...." Um good thanks......just two men and a tent thanks"

The laughter wouln't have been so disconcerting if it wasn't so derisive " Fifteen bucks will see youse both right " .a snap I thought, which of course was a temporary high as the amenities block renovations done in 1962 were in need of a little updating.

I asked Les about his career path from here and was he happy with the way Julia was spending the taxpayers coffers - he was at something of a loss to construct a thoughtful response to either but he did mention the barramudi fishing down in Johnson's creek.

Les also mentioned his cholesterol was 1 and his heart rate was 15 bpm....." No stress here yer see mate - I've got 2 pairs of shorts and my biggest decision, week in week out is whether to change from the lilac to the beige on Wensdee or Thursdee.....see that's how ya keep yer heart beat steady as "

I think that there's something in that for all of us.

The sun has now set, the crickets are chirping and the ocre township lights of Karumba are politely flickering in the distance.

I love this country.

PS Sign in amenities block: "Please put toilet lids down to keep the frogs out."

J & I...............

1 comment:

  1. Hey maaaaates, I said cobbers, I said pals,
    bloody ripper suggestion on the old cholesterol - two pair of stubbies; one pair lilac and one pair beige gets ya to chol of 1.

    However I am a bit frightened about them lilac ones. Don't want to give the boys the wrong impression if you get me what I mean like. If I get me favourite navy blue ones instead of lilac, do you still think the system will get me to 1?

    Great to hear you are wowing 'em in the great outback, knocking off their lolly for good causes.

    Remember, tough mind, tough body, never to yield!

    Bazza of Bleak Blackie
