Morrie covered his first 243 k's admirably.
Arrived at Geoff Green's farm at 2.55pm on Saturday; went for a tour of the farm - in good shape - all the Black Angus seemed to be happy as Larry, and he's pretty happy.
Geoff' has transformed the farm in four years to a world class operation.
A beautiful gourmet pizza night at the Schoefield's but what we couldn't work out was how Trent mangaed to entertain 3 beautiful women simultaneously.........but that's another story. Thank you to the Schoefield team for the generous donations.
Today we sprung out of bed at 7am and we were fencing by 8.30am.........finished at 5.10pm...................repaired about 2600k's of fence.......We were good.
A quick tour of Tamworth which from all appearances is prospering - the new Equine centre is impressive.
A quick Jack and coke at the Aero club with Simon, Sally and Toby and home to the Green mansion for gourmet bbq tandoori chicken...............thanks's tough so far.....................
Our first two tent nights were wonderful but the real thing is upon us please God.
Good to hear you can repair fences I have one km to do in Nov when you get home. Bart